Thursday, November 1, 2012

Will Wreck-It Ralph Be Video Games Toy Story?

Wreck-It Ralph premieres
November 2nd
In the mid-1990's, Pixar Studios and the Walt Disney Company showed the world what life was life for toys when their owners weren't paying attention. As the film created a franchise with two more sequels, it's premise was fully explored from getting a new owner to the realization that you're just a toy for a child to play with. This years, Disney (who has their own computer animated division) will release Wreck-It Ralph, a story about a video game villain in a local arcade game that simply doesn't want to be the villain anymore. Will this film create a Toy Story-like world for video games?
There a support group for everyone, including
video game villains. Ganondorf couldn't attend.

The story is simple enough; a bad guy in an arcade game that always has to destroy a building before the players can stop him. The game is called Fix-It Felix, which is a cross between Rampage and ummm...the opposite of Rampage. The bad guy -Wreck-it Ralph (John C. Reilly)- tries to wreck the building as the player tries to fix it. Eventually, we see what life is like inside the game. Ralph attends the bad guy support group called Bad-Anon with other famed video game villains like Bowser (Super Mario Brothers), M. Bison and Zangief (Street Fighter), Kano (Mortal Kombat), Dr. Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), ghost from PacMan and random zombies. At the end of the session, they conclude with a bad guy affirmation and take their unhappy days "one game at a time". Ralph ends up leaving the game and jumps to others to find his new role in life. Stepping from Hero's Duty to Sugar Rush, where he meets a plucky little glitch named Vanellope (Sarah Silverman). In that time, the threat grows as the outside world pulling the plug on a game that doesn't have it's villain. The basis of the role is finding your role in the world and finding out your importance to it.
John C. Reilly lends his charm
to the title character.
Flanked by charismatic actors (Jane Lynch, Denis Haysbert and Jack McBrayer) lending their voices to the project, Wreck-It Ralph is likely to have plenty of life in it. However, video games never attempted a Toy Story-like approach. Sure this isn't quite the same as the world of toys when they're owners turn their heads, but Disney's blueprint (along with Pixar's help) has proven to be successful overall. Sometimes they pour on a little too much heart and get sappy, but Disney hasn't had the Toy Story success without Pixar's help. Since branching off with their own computer animated division unit, Disney's biggest success has come from their Pixar collaborations. With a little luck, Wreck-It Ralph has plenty to build on.

Note: Fix-It Felix is available on your cellphone app store.

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